
Monday, September 26, 2011

My weekend...

Assalamualaikum semua... mmuahkksss.. haha smooching3x dulu .. ngeee.. k just hang out with my SIL n niece..girls just wanna have fun n looks like my SIL tersgt la boring so we hang out do all the girl thing girl talk girl stuff .. and at the same time we're thinking of buying mat polkadot hmm lupa plak nama tuh. yg got no n whoever baling dadu then kena step to that no haha tkder keje kan but tk jumpa... so then just pop up dari my mulut hah jom kita wat origami nak for killing time.. jumpalah menatang origami set tuh.. so kira berkobar2 la nk buat.. reminds me of citer GOL & GINCU the series just love that movie n tv series so so much.. ada satu scene when putri (fazura) n reza (pierre) at the roof top umah putri... reza siap beli set origami make of his own and every single of origami paper ada all about his secret to reveal kt putri haha how sweet kan.. and putri so touch giler and almost cry sbb reza suruh buka one by one and telling putri that there's no more secret to hide from her.. but situation mcm tu dream on la nama pun movie...just like in a song by taylor swift "LOVE STORY" yg sdg berkumandang kt dlm my mp3 in our case tkder la smpi camtu hehe just for fun jer n menguji tahap kesabaran n minda we all.. let me brief a bit on origami thing  "Origami (折り紙?, from ori meaning "folding", and kami meaning "paper"; kami changes to gami due to rendaku) is the traditionalJapanese art of paper folding, which started in the 17th century AD at the latest and was popularized outside Japan in the mid-1900s" ... so masa tgh buat tu my little boyfriend aka my nephew baby amar cakap " aunty buat jet ker?"  then i jawab "no la baby aunty tgh buat origami papercraft skrg nk buat lady bug ..." "baby tension la tengok aunty buat dari tadi aunty boleh buat transformer tak?'  then me " GULpppppppppp baby nie biar betul mana boleh buat transformer pakai paper nie susah tahap gaban la baby hehe...( dlm hati nk buat lady bug nie pun cam susah jer but u know me akan kupastikan jadi hehe) so tadaaa berjaya la jadi origami calista, lady bug and grasshopper pic nk upload tk jumpa plak usb port... my SIL buat separuh dah tk sanggup dia kata "dik susah giler tension knie ini boleh mendatangkan marah nie hehe camner la adik leh buat.." ... then time to blk my apt so i need to pack my things.. just a bit la to share with you perasan tak korang nowadays youngster too vocal and daring giler.. haha not like our time takut2 respect still ada .. although aku still single no kids but still surrounding by my nephews nieces yg like my own child.. n their friends anak2 my friends.. takut n can't imagine la one day bila ada on my own boleh handle ker boleh jadi good mummy ker to my kids?? yg kelakar pun ada bila umur belasan2 tahun dah ber mama, papa, ayah, ibu, rasanya trend budak2 skrg bahasakan diri bila tgh in love kot haha common on la..  time change kan.. but to budak2 nie esp to all my nephews nieces ingat biar seiring dgn study jgn hanyut jer pelajaran tu penting...... aunty sporting 2x jugak but to certain case n situation i'm strict faham2la klu aunty diam jer ok.. pepagi nie mood nyaris spoilt dek kena bambooo lg with email , msg n call from my lady boss.. well today is monday and i hate monday so i'm not gonna spoil my mood my day sbb impact hari monday akan berlarutan smpi sunday so just to be calm and steady (dlm hati bengang juga ingat aku ni punching bag ker) ... hmm my phone is ringing one of my boss meaning Datuk is in the off..time to report duty i mean utk brief him his schedule for today n this whole week..apa plak la dia nk ckp on me today as dia sgt observe on me esp on my attire haha.. today i'm wearing till then ... mmuahkkksss3x... 


Ms Waniez....

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