
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fools around me...BOLA BOLA BOLA

First of all assalamualaikum & hello hello hello.. and again i've been so so busy lately with work n this n that.. alhamdulilah one thing for sure i'm getting better day by day i mean my health.. harap berkekalan la penat dah asyik tk sihat jer.. lagipun some ppl keep saying that i pretend to be sick wtf... try to be at my place then you know ckap suka hati mmg tkder insuran punya mulut .. tkder maknanya nk pretend to be sick.. aku yg tanggung aku taulah budusss punya manusia.. itulah manusia yg penuh phd n sorry to say itu la typical malay cukup dgn tu ada jer find fault on me or creating fault on me yg best siap label me as penghasut n pegi jaja citer sana sini the bad of me kononnya tak puas hati sangat dgn kau apsal tah AKU KACAU KORANG KER, AKU?? MENGANIAYAI KORANG KER?? AKU CAKAP PASAL KORANG KER?? just wondering till now asyik cari masalah dgn aku jer atau org2 yg mereka2 ini tk suka.. kok yer pun korang punya hidup miserable tk yahlah nk miserable org lain plak.. nk aniayai org lain plak.. life is too short so insaf2lah ini tak klu boleh hari2 nk cari dosa pelik pelik.. just cermin diri dulu ok penat dah aku dgn perangai mereka2 ini.. bila aku still bertahan bak kata org2 itu haha kelakar pun ada diorang panas sgt panas sbb aku dah boleh stay calm n ignore jer no more tears ok.. i just penat with all this fools around me byk benda aku nk fikir lagi korang suka hatilah nk dengki macammana.. i know allah will always besides me.. allah tau keje dia.. also wondering am i a moron??? whateverrrrrrr..just love the quote;

“From the backstabbing co-worker to the meddling sister-in-law, Oneyou are in charge of how you react to the people and events in your life. You can either give negativity power over your life or you can choose happiness instead. Take control and choose to focus on what is important in your life. Those who cannot live fully often become destroyers of life.” ~ Anais Nin

One myth is "I could get my job done if there were just no politics in my workplace" but haha DREAM ON la..

hmm bola bola bola.. yeay liverpool dtg msia rugila tk sempat beli tiket.. friendly match msia vs arsenal 0-4, msia vs liverpool 3-6, msia vs chelsea 0-1, but performance masa friendly match dgn chelsea terbaek pertahanan bagus.. syabas harimau malaya.. tonite msia vs singapura 3-5 hmm nanti kita tggu plak msia vs singapura di bukit jalil plak on 28th hope msia win ....

Last but not least just wanna share something with uols... renung2kan dan selamat beramal wokey..

[Baqarah 2:186] And O dear Prophet (Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), when My bondmen question you concerning Me, then surely I am close; I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he calls on Me, so they must obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may attain guidance.

1.For Any Wishes / Hopes : Hazrat Muhammad Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam says , the person who recite following ayyat & then pray for his/her wishes / Hajat , InshAllah his/her , hajat / wish will be fulfil .the following ayyat are

Translation: “None has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allah)), Glorified (and Exalted) are You 
(above all that (evil) they associate with You). Truly, I have been of the wrong-doers."

Recite for Any Hopes : Recite 723 times " La Ilaha IllAllah Anta Subhanka Inni Kuntoo Min-al-Zalamin "remeber to recite 7,7 times before and after of this wird.

You know what is the sweetest of the day? It is when you PRAY..Do you know WHY because you are talking to the One who loves you most and that always be by yourside no matter what, where n when.. ^___^

so till then see ya..


nanite from me 1.55 am....^___^

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Nothing much to tell u about today just a normal routine day.. work work work.. starting with my starbucks hot chocolate without cream oh my gucci hehe addicted to that drink so so much...pure n not so sweet i loikeeeee actually wanna join breakfast with my frensssss but they already had their breakfast so just left me itulah alternative nyer kan kan kan..haha smlm left my phone n purse kt off so first thing in the morning checking my phone gosh byk giler msg n misscall and aisey one of them from darling natalie new aus no sorry sayang tk dpt jwb call u i left my phone then start with meeting, discussion.. then some memorandum... and back to routine work .. bak kata pepatah keje and masalah smpi mati pun tk abis kan hohoho went back on time cam penat sikit today.. blk umah mandi .. solat maghrib.. mengaji quran (lama tk mengaji rindu pulak sibuk jer kena juga luang masa) laundry... simple dinner .. ampai baju.. then bukak my primpcess si lappy.. online patutnya nk finish my reading but malas plak nk membaca ...lyn astro.. tgk news then layan citer korea  personal taste then layan bollywood citer best dhadkan hehe.. hmm my housemate sorang kursus 3 mggu, sorang tido shah alam and sorang lagi in hospital so left me alone .. home alone.. aisey dah kena tutttt cepatnya.. sgt phobia bila time itu tk mo la sakit sakit tak tertangung my menses cramp nie.. i need a rest till then adiossss..

xoxo.. NANITE EVERYONE... SWEET DREAMSSSSSS..princess waniez mau beradu :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'm backkkkk

Hi peeps..long silence from huh..what a hectic week tk sempat update my blog..It's been hectic worklah itu inilah..suffering of my serious gastric almost kena ulser, asthma and migraine.. i dun have enuff rest..
then kena consult by dr and kena bamboo with bosses la ..hmmm.. but alhamdulilah now i'm getting better of my sick my pain.. thank you to allah.. Sedey jugak tk dapat hantar my dearest Natalie before she fly to Australia.. miss u so much dear.. looks like Pei yg sempat hantar.. my condition of health that time tak mengizinkan somemore i'm recovering from tiredness, pain sana sini esp kt pinggang n pipi, kaki melecet why haha all because of my task of work as human rights defender ...human rights for all.. me and team shkm.. kena memantau on "Bersih Rally" on 9th July 2011 (Saturday).. Naper tak percaya ker ....percayalahhhhhh yes we did it although that time almost killed pun ada.. kena pijak , kena punch ,kena tampar.. (kesengalan masih aku terasa ok) yg paling azab kena tear gas rasa nk putus nyawa dowh...serious lucky la ada my colleague selamatkan saya.. tq pal.. u know la like asthamatic patient mcm aku nie mmg siksa jiwa raga.. but kehadiran kami disitu memang byk membantu.. yg pasti mana2 pihak tk sokong we're more thing when u're there at the situation u will know so stop judging this n that n give any sort of statement klu korang tiada disitu.. it's an experience for me and my team.. mcm2 perasaan ada takut, teruja, sedih, panic, kelam kabut, marah, bengang, sakit macam2 ada.. hard to tell.. to my family sorry for making u all worry it's my job task and i'm proud to be at that time bukan senang untuk berada disitu.. rasa macam hero pun ada.. still kena maki kena puji but biasalah manusia.. like reading in a blog , writing ada yg hantam , kecam shkm but tugas kami jasa kami do you guys tau ker.. in fact at that moment boleh dikatakan hidup n mati... k la dun know what to write dah yang pasti lately nie tersangatlah lah penat cuti 2 hari pun tk cover...and takziah to my beloved pak long omar tak dapat ziarah jenazah pak long di kedah.. kami doakan agar arwah pak long omar ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 yang beriman dan soleh..amin...alfatihah...
